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You configure what content will play, when, and where through playlists. Your account comes with a default playlist ready to play landscape content on all your displays always. You can modify your default playlist and create new ones.

Each playlist represents a cycle that loops content, and you have to define how many spots you want in this loop. The content of the playlist plays in order. The displays skip any empty place of the playlist while reproducing it.

Let's dive into the options you have when setting up a playlist.


Playlists assign content to a group of displays with only one orientation. Each time you try to publish content in a playlist, the orientation is verified to assure that vertical content is not posted on horizontal screens and vice-versa.

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We use groups to cluster displays and assign content to them. Although you can set a playlist to only one screen, we recommend using groups. In that way, you don't have to modify your playlist when you want to play the same content on new devices. You can assign a playlist to multiple display groups.

When to play

You have three options when deciding when to play content: always, timeframe, or periodically. When using timeframe or periodically option you can set if the playlist must override any other content, which means that any other assigned playlist for the same time will be ignored.


Always is the default option and it sets the content will play every minute of every day.


Use the timeframe option when you intend to play the content only for some time. You must set a "from" or "to" date and time when selecting this option. Leaving the "from" blank means you want to play the content now, and leaving the "to" blank indicates the content must play indefinitely.


Use the "periodically" option when you need to play content every day, week, or month. After selecting "periodically," you will see the following options:

  1. Daily: select this option if you want to play content every day at a specific time, like every day at 2 PM, for example.
  2. Weekly: this option allows you to set what days of the week you want to play the content and the time of the day you want it to start and end.
  3. Monthly: use this option to play content a specific day every month, like every first day of the month, for example.

If you leave the "from" time blank, the content will start to play at midnight, and when you leave the "to" time blank, the playlist runs until the end of the day.

In all cases, if you leave "starting on" or "until" dates blank means you want to play the content now and indefinitely, respectively.

How content merges

You can set two or more playlists to show content on the same display group. The media of these playlists will merge in the following way:

  1. The display plays spot one of the first playlist, then spot one of the second playlist, and so on until the last playlist. Then the display tries to reproduce spot one of the first playlist, spot two of the second playlist, etc., skipping any empty spot.

Spot duration

You must define if you want to limit the duration of each spot on the playlist or not. If you set a fixed spot duration, the media will not exceed the number of seconds you set, but shorter content will be allowed.

Low priority cycles

In some cases, you may want to publish content unrelated to your advertising business but giving it less weight than the ads. For example, imagine you close a deal to install digital signage screens on a building using a revenue-sharing model for advertising. In most cases, the building will want to publish content related to its operation that doesn't need the same time as the ads. That's when low priority cycles come to play. Defining low priority cycles in a playlist allows you to separate that kind of content from the content of your business: the ads. You can set how many loops of ads will play before playing a low priority cycle, the size of the cycles for ads, and the length of the loops for the other content.

About time zones

Playlists are time-zone-agnostics, which means they apply depending on the time zone configured on the displays. The display's time zone defines when some content must start playing, using the rules you define in your playlist.

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